About the CR/CW HOA’s Board of Directors

CR/CW HOA Board of Directors

The CR/CW HOA Board of Directors manages the Association’s finances, operational affairs and legal responsibilities. The seven Board members are elected to office and serve a term of 3 years.  Board positions are unpaid.

There is also an administrative position: the Recording Secretary. This contractor may receive a nominal fee—in recognition of the extensive time involved in performing the duties of the administrative position—and does not have voting privileges.

Information about CR/CW HOA management, the Board, member voting rights, etc. can be found in the Bylaws  See Governing Documents and Forms/ Rules and Regulations


Elected by the Board of Directors from members of the Board

Vice President

Elected by the Board of Directors from members of the Board


Elected by the Board of Directors from members of the Board

Architectural Control

Elected by the Board of Directors

Legal & Insurance

Elected by the Board of Directors

Complaint Negotiation

Elected by the Board of Directors

Common Area Maintenance

Elected by the Board of Directors

Recording Secretary (unpaid)

Elected by the Board of Directors, may be a paid position

                Member at Large

All members of the Board of Directors who do not serve as an officer or head of a committee