Problems and Complaints Overview


The established CR/CW HOA policy is to act on perceived violations  of the HOA’s CC&Rs and Rules and Regulations (R&Rs), submitted to the  HOA by residents or homeowners. The complaint must be submitted in  writing and signed by the author. Letters should be addressed to the  Complaints Committee at the HOA’s mailing address listed on this website. Each  written complaint should state the facts of the violation clearly and identify  the location of the problem (including the exact address with house number and  street). The author’s name, address and phone number must be included so the  Complaint Committee may ask for additional information if necessary and to  notify the author of complaint disposition. The HOA will keep confidential, to  the full extent of the law, all personal information that is submitted,  including the complainant’s name.

Regardless, of the source of the complaint, all complaints will be  investigated by the Complaint Committee and a determination made as to the  validity of the complaint. If the complaint is determined to be valid, the  Complaint Committee will typically pursue the problem following the enforcement  guidelines established and approved by the Board of Directors. At this point,  resolution of the complaint is the responsibility of the Complaint Committee and  the Board of Directors.

Homeowner noncompliance in correcting a violation submitted to them by the Complaint Committee may result in fines being imposed and/or the matter being turned over to the Association’s attorney. The Association’s R&Rs provide for an Appeal Process whereby a homeowner may request a hearing to offer a defense or explanation to the imposition of a violation and/or fines.

The complaint process was put into place to identify and correct violations to the CR/CW HOA’s CC&Rs and R&Rs. These documents were established to set standards which when followed, will ensure all homes within the CR/CW HOA will maintain their appearance and value. The CR/CW HOA does not have the resources to hire a service to inspect for compliance but the CR/CW Board of Directors will do an all association inspection for compliance when time and volunteers permit. Otherwise we rely on each resident or homeowner to report violations in a timely manner when they are observed.